Instruction Policy
Seeking "perfection of character", we train "our minds and bodies" and strive to master "Karate-do as a martial art" through training and research of "Shotokan Karate-do" (one of the four main traditional Karate-dos) founded by Supreme Master Funakoshi Gichin who devoted his life to spread of Karate-do in mainland Japan.
Our two main objectives are "sound upbringing of mind and body of youth" and "making opportunities for middle aged and elder to start learning karate-do". Based on such objectives, we provide detailed instructions according to age and physical strength of each member, so that every member can continue Karate-do for a long time without difficulty.
We think that "improving our minds and bodies" by repeated practice of "Kihon, Kumite, and Kata" is the most important.
Our aim is not to learn "Karate" as a sport or for a competition.